This is a heavy duty but low-cost Electronic Circuit. The
operation amplifier A1 directly drives the VN64GA with the error signal
to control the output voltage. Peak rectifier Dl, CI supplies error
amplifier A1 and the reference zener. This extra drive voltage must
exceed its source voltage by several volts for the VN64GA to pass full
load current.
Heavy Duty But Low-Cost Battery charger Circuit Diagram:
The output voltage is pulsating dc which is quite satisfactory for battery charging. To convert the system to a regulated dc supply, capacitor C2 is increased and another electrolytic capacitor is added across the load. The response time is very fast, being determined by the op-amp. The 2N4400 current limiter circuit prevents the output current from exceeding 4.5 A. However, maintaining a shorted condition for more than a second will cause the VN64GA to exceed its temperature ratings. A generous heat sink, on the order of 1°C/W, must be used.
Heavy Duty But Low-Cost Battery charger Circuit Diagram:
The output voltage is pulsating dc which is quite satisfactory for battery charging. To convert the system to a regulated dc supply, capacitor C2 is increased and another electrolytic capacitor is added across the load. The response time is very fast, being determined by the op-amp. The 2N4400 current limiter circuit prevents the output current from exceeding 4.5 A. However, maintaining a shorted condition for more than a second will cause the VN64GA to exceed its temperature ratings. A generous heat sink, on the order of 1°C/W, must be used.
Heavy Duty But Low-Cost Battery charger
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