Build Lie Detectors Circuits Project

This circuit detects the resistance between your fingers to provide an oscillation. The detection-points can detect resistances as high as 300k and because the resistance decreases, the frequency increases.

Separate the 2 bit pads and fasten them to the back of every hand. because the subject feels nervous, he can sweat and alter the frequency of the circuit.The photos show the circuit engineered on computer boards
with separate bit pads.

This circuit detects the resistance between your fingers to turn on the FALSE LED. The circuit sits with the TRUE LED illuminated. The 47k pot is adjusted to permit the LEDs to change state when touching the

This circuit detects the resistance between your fingers to show the four LEDs. As you press tougher, more
LEDs are illuminated.

his circuit detects the resistance between your fingers to show the 3LEDs. As you press harder, a lot of LEDs are illuminated. Thecircuit is less complicated than Lie Detector-3. 

Build Lie Detectors Circuits Project Build Lie Detectors Circuits Project Reviewed by SYLVESTER ANWAR MASHI on 04:18 Rating: 5

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