Here the simple traffic light controller which is could be used to
educate kids rudiments of traffic light guidelines. The circuit utilizes
easily available electronic parts. It generally consists of rectifier
diodes (1N4001), a 5V regulator 7805, two timers circuit using IC 555,
two relays (5V, single-changeover), three 15W, 230V light bulbs and also
several discrete parts.
Mains electrical power is stepped down by transformer X1 to provide a
secondary output voltage of 9V, 300 mA – AC. Then the transformer output
current is rectified by a full-wave bridge rectifier composed of diodes
D1 through D4, filtered by capacitor C1 and also regulated by IC 7805
IC2 is wired as a multivibrator with ‘on’ and ‘off’ periods of about 30
seconds each with the part values determined. Once mains power switch is
turned on, pin 3 of IC2 goes high for 30 seconds. This, in turn,
energises relay RL1 via transistor T1 and the red bulb (B1) glows
through its normally-open (N/O) contact. At the same time, mains power
is turned off from the pole of relay RL2. As the ‘on’ time of IC2 ends, a
triggers IC3 through C5. IC3 is set up as a monostable with ‘on’ time
of about 4 seconds, which indicates pin 3 of IC3 will stay high for this
period of time and energise relay RL2 through driver transistor T2. The
amber bulb (B2) thus lightings up for 4 seconds.
Immediately after 4-second time period of timer IC3 at pin 3 lapses,
relay RL2 de-energises and also the green bulb (B3) lights up for the
rest of ‘off’ period of IC2, which is about 26 seconds. The green bulb
is turned on through the normally closed (N/C) contacts of relay RL2. So
when mains electrical switch is turned on, red light will light up for
30 seconds, amber for 4 seconds and green for 26 seconds.
You can easily build this circuit on a general purpose PCB and enclose
in a protected box. The box needs to have sufficient area for installing
transformer X1 and also two relays. It could be installed near 230V AC,
50Hz power supply or mounted on the PVC tube applied in assembly of the
traffic light box.
Design of the traffic light container box is demonstrated in following image:
A stout cardboard box of 30x15x10cm3 is needed for housing the lights.
To make certain durability, work with a 10x45cm2 plywood plate having
1.5 centimeters thickness and also secure onto it three light outlets
and the box utilizing nuts and bolts or screws. Make three tubes of thin
aluminium sheet, which is easily offered in equipment stores. The inner
diameter of aluminium tubes ought to be such that these can well match
on the light outlets. Working with a sharp knife, make holes opposite
the outlets carefully. Wire the outlets at the back and take the cables
out through the PVC tube.
Simple Traffic Light Controller

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