Low-Cost Portable Battery Powered USB Charger

Here is a low-cost Electronic Circuit Project of Portable Battery Powered USB Charger Circuit. This circuit is able to charge your PDAs, Ipods, Mp3 players and any device that plug in to a computer USB to charge. If you fit this circuit in a small box with a 9V battery then it will become a portable emergency USB charger.

Low-Cost Portable Battery Powered USB Charger Circuit Diagram:

Low-Cost Portable Battery Powered USB Charger

The schematic is so simple using only few components so you can make this circuit in some minutes if all parts available with you. The circuit is using low dropout regulator IC LM7805 which is easily available in the market and it is also very cheap. The circuit takes voltage from 9V battery and step down the voltage in to a DC 5V output.
Low-Cost Portable Battery Powered USB Charger Low-Cost Portable Battery Powered USB Charger Reviewed by SYLVESTER ANWAR MASHI on 05:32 Rating: 5

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