This automotive electronic project simple but digital pressure gauge circuit. Using an intersil ICL 7106 A/D converter chip and an LED display module, this gauge uses a Sensym Corp.
Digital Pressure Gauge Circuit Diagram:
Pressure transducer SXlOOpn (100 psi full scale) in a Wheatstone bridge configuration to drive an op amp (ICla, b, c) translator circuit that supplies a dc voltage to IC2 that is proportional to pressure. R6 sets the gain of IC1A (full-scale sensitivity) and R16 supplies a zero adjustment. IC3 provides regulated + 5 V to power the circuit.
Digital Pressure Gauge Circuit Diagram:
Pressure transducer SXlOOpn (100 psi full scale) in a Wheatstone bridge configuration to drive an op amp (ICla, b, c) translator circuit that supplies a dc voltage to IC2 that is proportional to pressure. R6 sets the gain of IC1A (full-scale sensitivity) and R16 supplies a zero adjustment. IC3 provides regulated + 5 V to power the circuit.
Electronic Project Simple But Digital Pressure Gauge
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