12V Power Inverter using 555 Timer

This 12V power inverter circuit is very useful when you want to use a 240 volts consumer powered by a 12 volts car battery .In contrast to the usual feedback oscillator type of inverter, the oscillator of this inverter use a 555 timer connected as an astable multivibrator that is separate from the output stage, which allows easy adjustment of the oscillator frequency to suit different applications.

This 12V power inverter circuit can be used to power small power devices that need a 240 volts .

12V Power Inverter using 555 Timer Circuit Diagram:

12V Power Inverter using 555 Timer

The output of the 555 timer drives the base of T1 and T2 transistors . The wattage of this 12 volts inverter circuit depend on the driver transistors and the output transformer used . The output of this circuit will provide a 240v at 50Hz.
12V Power Inverter using 555 Timer 12V Power Inverter using 555 Timer Reviewed by SYLVESTER ANWAR MASHI on 08:15 Rating: 5

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