Low-Cost and Low Voltage Flasher

This is Simple low-Cost Electronic Circuit of Low voltage flasher Circuit. Applying voltage to the circuit triggers SCR1. With SCRl on, the voltage on the anode of SCR2 rises until SCR2 triggers to commu-tate SCRl.

Low Voltage Flasher Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Diagram
The voltage on the gate of SCRl will swing negative at this time, and only after a positive potential of 0 volt is once again attained, will SCRl retrigger The circuit could be used for higher voltage levels, but the peak negative voltage on the gate of SCRl must be limited to less than 6 volts.
 Source By:W3Circuits
Low-Cost and Low Voltage Flasher Low-Cost and Low Voltage Flasher Reviewed by SYLVESTER ANWAR MASHI on 08:18 Rating: 5

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